Chinese Dating Sites For Foreigners 7,8/10 3293 reviews
Submitted: August 2013

The official language in China is Mandarin and some of the most popular Chinese dating apps aren’t available in China. So that’s why we only list the best apps available in English, plus a Chinese girl on an English app is likely more interested in meeting a foreigner anyways. is the largest online dating site in China, and should be the site you sign.

Solo-living has become popular in China in the last two decades. The one-child policy, rising divorce rate and the rocketing economy have dramatically changed the demographic picture in China. Young people leave their families to fight for their future in bigger cities. However, this does not only happen to people who are single. It is also very common that married people live in different cities alone in order to get a better paid job, or broadly speaking, to get a brighter future.

However, solo living does not mean they are lonely. Often they will work in the day time and meet with friends or colleagues in the evening. Night life in China is the most important leisure time of the day. People may go out to have dinner with family and friends or go shopping; most of the businesses will open until midnight.

If you are moving to China on your own you may feel lonely at first, especially if you do not speak Mandarin. This will only last a few weeks as life in China is bustling and vibrant. You may find life is easier if you are living in a larger city, although the living cost there would be much higher. However, in large cities, most of the public facilities provide foreign language directions and signs. Often there is a larger cultural diversity and it may be easier to find people who have the same interests as you in certain clubs or groups. Of course, dating is always another way for you to meet with others.

Dating services have become popular in China in the last ten years. There are many ways to find a loved one or make friends in China. Many people find their another-half or friends through social networks. This is a traditional and reliable way. There are also many marriage agencies in China providing help. Some are good but some may not be as you think. Social media such as; Weibo, Renren and QQ groups are also very popular.

Weibo is similar to Twitter and Renren is similar to Facebook. QQ is a giant internet company providing many popular functions such as; instant audio or video chatting, Weibo, Weixin, QQ groups and others. Weixin is a mobile application to send and receive voice messages between two users. An interesting function of Weixin is you can shake your mobile to find other users currently near you.

Aside from those above, dating websites are also a good choice. There are many dating websites providing services for people based in China. As most of them are in Chinese, it might be difficult if you do not know Chinese. Popular websites are , which has 60 million registered members, and, which has 90 million registered members.

Another way to find these websites is to search via Baidu. Baidu is a domestic search engine, similar to Google. Its website is However, it is not good at searching in other languages. You can use Google in China but you may experience difficulties as Google left China a few years ago.

Normally, to use these dating sites you would need to register yourself and create a profile. In most cases you may need to pay for using them. Some dating websites do offer free services. However, there is a general view that paid dating websites provide better services than free ones.


When you provide any personal information to a website, you need to be careful about the security of your information. The online dating scam is becoming a problem. If you find that someone you are dating asks you to give them money, you may have encountered an online dating scam.

To avoid this, you should bear in mind that most of time it is too good to be true. You can also find some dating tips to avoid such scams by searching online using key words such as ‘dating scam’ or ‘romance scam’.

If you do find or you suspect you are scammed, you should stop contacting and paying any money to the fraudsters. You can also contact the local police station. If there is an emergency, you should call 110.

Sections in LIVING IN CHINA:

» Safety and Emergencies for Expats in China
» Retirement for Expats in China
» Family Life and Childcare for Expats in China
» Solo Living and Dating for Expats in China
» Shopping for Expats in China
» Entertainment, Media and Television for Expats in China
» Arts and Culture for Expats in China
» Fitness and Sport for Expats in China
» Communications for Expats in China
» Driving and Public Transport for Expats in China
» Government, Politics and Legal Systems for Expats in China
» Regions and Cities for Expats in China

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Dating Asian girls is a dream many foreign may wake up to every morning. Foreigners often believe that Chinese women are sweethearts – and they are most times – but dating them can be tiring especially when the process begins to drag out like your life is being played in a slow motion. If you are looking for Chinese girlfriend, the first steps you need to take are crucial and you need to get it right or you lose the chance of having her forever.

Patience should be your watch word

When dealing with a China girl, the proverb, ‘the patient dog eats the fattest bone’ never wanes in meaning. If you are the type that wants everything to be done at your pace then forget about Chinese single girls already. Shyness does not easily wear off from the faces of Chinese girls. Normally, it may take days or week of constantly reminding them you are dating for them to gradually stop seeing you as a stranger.

Have a keen interest to learn Chinese language

China dating app foreignerChinese

Nobody will place the sharp edge of the knife on your throat to learn Chinese language either is it a rule anywhere that you must. However, beautiful Chinese girls will like you to impress her from time to time for her to stay. Those moments of surprises where you sweep her off her feet is what makes the difference.

The presence of China dating sites in English has made some men to stop investing quality time in trying to learn Chinese language since they probably don’t need it to be successful. Studies have shown however that majority of men who find success using Chinese dating sites learned a little of Chinese language. This revelation is not a surprise since Chinese girls take their tradition very serious and a vital part of their tradition is their language.

Gifts cannot be separated from women

No matter her nationality, one trait that is general among women is their craving for gifts from someone they love. It does not have to be the keys to a newly acquired Ferrari or a mansion, a gift as small as a flower is enough. Women often rate how much you carry them in your heart by the frequency in which you send her gifts. China girls also share this universal feminine trait. Show her you care about her by sending her gifts every now and then and you can be sure to seal your date with success.

Be a gentleman but not a coward

Chinese Dating Sites China


What Is The Best Chinese Dating Site

There is a huge difference in how to behave when you meet Chinese girls online compared to when you are dating her in the traditional way. Online platform is like a veil that covers up some of the striking qualities Chinese girls will look out for. Men who are highly into dating online will find out that they are handicapped in the traditional form of dating.

Japanese Dating Sites For Foreigners

Chinese ladies will always fall for guys who are calm, understands their tender nature and is willing to treat them tenderly. Chinese ladies crave for gentlemen who will open the door for her, hold a conversation with her and be her walk companion down the street. However, they also need a man who will stand up for her if the need is. A man who is not afraid to play the head (including calling her to order when she goes overboard). If you keep putting up with her rants she may be forced to judge you as a weakling and that is not a good rating in China for men.